Tuesday 25 May 2010

On Wednesday I decided to follow Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) on Twitter. I had no idea that this was a pointless thing to do because only a few hours later she decided to delete her account – permanently.

No, this was definitely not because of me – she has absolutely no idea who I am. The real reason may have had something to do with love.

Apparently, her reported boyfriend (and co-star in the upcoming film “The Last Song”) is to blame. He doesn’t have a Twitter account, and was encouraging her to get rid of hers. “FYI Liam doesn’t have a twttr & he wants ME 2 delete mine w/ gd reason” she says in her last Tweet. She must have listened to him, because not long after she pulls the plug.

This did not go down to well with Miley’s fans. A new hashtag was born – #mileycomeback – which countless Twitter users are using to express their displeasure. Fans are saying things such as “R.I.P. Miley Cyrus‘s Twitter page – I’m still crying – I made my Twitter page when I found out she had one!” & “Miley Cyrus has left Twitter, the world will never be the same again :_(“.

Will she ever send another Tweet again? Her fans sure hope so. Now we just have to wait and see who has more influence over her in the long run – her millions of fans or her boyfriend. At the moment, it’s clear who.

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